Finding the intersection of two lines in 3D in a less ad-hoc manner using surface constraints and QR / SVD factorization.
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import svd, qr
def line_constraint_repr_by_qr(p_1, p_2):
A = np.block([
[p_1, 1],
[p_2, 1]
Q, R = qr(A.T, mode="complete")
constraints = Q[:, 2:].T
return constraints
def line_constraint_repr_by_svd(p_1, p_2):
A = np.block([
[p_1, 1],
[p_2, 1]
U, s, V_t = svd(A)
constraints = V_t[2:, :]
return constraints
def main():
In 3D:
qr/svd of 2 points gives the line
qr/svd of 2 lines gives the point
p_intersect = np.array([1, 2, 3])
p_a = np.array([9, 4, 5])
p_b = np.array([-7, 3, 16])
# random scaling to avoid directly using the shared point
line1_p1, line1_p2 = p_a, p_a + (p_intersect - p_a) * 0.56
line2_p1, line2_p2 = p_b, p_b + (p_intersect - p_b) * 0.88
line1_cons = line_constraint_repr_by_qr(line1_p1, line1_p2)
line2_cons = line_constraint_repr_by_qr(line2_p1, line2_p2)
cons = np.block([
_, s, V_t = svd(cons) # or QR.
# last singular value being 0 means the lines intersect exactly
assert np.allclose(s[-1], 0)
p = V_t[-1]
p = p / p[-1]
assert np.allclose(p[:3], p_intersect)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Last updated on 2024-12-31. Design inspired by distill.